What is The Guardian Standard?
Your needs and trust always come first. We answer the phone when you call. We follow through and consistently deliver on the promises we made to you at our first meeting. We are your financial planning and investment family. We like the responsibility and commitment that being a “family member” entails.

The Guardian Standard is built on the principles of character, equality, and respectful treatment for all clients. Preserving Your Lifestyle and Protecting Your Assets is not simply a “tag line” at GFP. It is a non-negotiable core value.
Family & Ethos
When you become a part of the GFP family, we make the commitment and assume the responsibility of becoming your advocate. We will always place your unique needs and goals ahead of our own. Honesty and frank advice, when needed, is part of our relationship with you. It is very simple for us. Our success as your advocate is a by-product of your financial and personal success. Placing your needs ahead of our own creates the type of ethos we are proud to call The Guardian Standard.
Fairness & Equality
At many firms the size of your account dictates the level of service you receive. GFP’s platform allows us to execute and treat all clients, regardless of their account size, equally and fairly. Our goal is to make sure you are informed, comfortable, and always satisfied with the quality of advice and the level of service you are receiving.
Walk the Walk
We believe the promises we made to you before becoming a client must be delivered to you after you are a client. We follow through on the commitments outlined in your service agreement and provide regular progress reviews as part of The Guardian Standard. Our goal is to keep you fully informed and satisfied at all times. Many firms make this promise, but we actually “Walk the Walk.”