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The Guardian Standard Newsletter- November 2019

November 2019

We would like to wish all our clients, friends, and family a very Happy Thanksgiving! On this day of thanks and reflection, we are grateful for the trust and faith you have given to us as we help you manage assets, fine-tune your lifestyle goals, and most importantly share in your experiences with us. We are very thankful and appreciative of you entrusting us with the responsibility of helping you achieve your goals and dreams.
This time of year allows us time to reflect and take inventory of what is most important in our lives and to be grateful for the things that really matter to us.  In this month’s The Guardian Standard Newsletter, we wanted to share some perspective on this topic. Our goal is to dedicate a segment of future newsletters to the “This is Life” concept, so we can provide perspective and advice on the real issues we face as we move through life. Enjoy!

This is Life

Have you ever pondered about where your day went? Too busy? Too focused on getting “stuff” done? Or simply just letting life happen. It’s not a “knock” on how we approach each day but simply a reminder of how a busy life can consume our time and thinking. My days are spent focusing on the various tasks associated with running a business, reading about the investment markets, doing reviews with clients, and keeping up with my responsibilities at home.  Days blend into weeks, weeks into months, and then the year is over. Where did our time go? How much did we miss? Or did we miss much? 

A particular day in October caused me to reflect on how important it is for each of us to take a moment to reflect on our experiences and the lessons learned. It began with catching up on emails and reviewing my appointments for the day, fairly mundane, and like any other day. I would be traveling from Newport Beach to Pomona and finally Hesperia. Yup ….. A lot of driving!  By the end of the day, the life lessons I learned from some very special clients and friends lead to the idea of the “This Is Life” theme. Ordinary people experiencing life’s extraordinary circumstances. Names are not important, but I thought we might all enjoy reading about simple life experiences as we approach Thanksgiving and its many blessings.

I began with a couple in Newport Beach, who became clients many years ago. We have been very fortunate to develop a friendship with them over the years.  An elegant couple married 50 plus years and the epitome of the American Dream. Hard-working, gracious people, who at their core are grateful and very introspective of where they are in their journey today.  In recent years the husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's. He has been a remarkable role model for me. As much as the disease has slowed him down, he is clearly not letting it define him. Every time we meet he inevitably turns the focus to how I am doing, not on his challenges. Amazing! There is grace and humility to the man I truly respect. His wife is every bit as special. She is caring, and clearly there for her husband while she also deals with their daily challenges. Truth be told, I always get more from our meetings than the information I share with them. Seeing a couple meeting life’s challenges and enjoying their journey with love and positivity is a wonderful gift and reminder to always be grateful no matter what is going on in our lives.

My second meeting took me to Pomona where I met with one of our first Southern California Edison (SCE) clients. We have been very fortunate to work with SCE employees for many years; great people, and wonderful clients who value the advice, our relationship, and our growing friendship.  They are in the process of selling their home and moving back east to Arkansas to retire. The word “excited” does not do justice to the happiness I felt during our conversation. Their move represents a new chapter involving fishing, boating, playing golf, teaching, and sitting on the back patio of their new home overlooking woods and a river. The patio is huge, bigger than most homes in California. Add their view, and I’m not sure a home is necessary! It is a joy to see the “growth” that occurs at every life stage. To be a small part of the experience is very special for our GFP family. People may sometimes see retirement as a time to slow down, but the reality is it can (and should be) a time of continued growth and opportunity. A time to enjoy life further and to sit back and be grateful for the efforts that got you there.

I ended my day with a very special couple in Hesperia. He is also a former SCE employee, and she is a schoolteacher. Their love for each other is very evident. Committed, graceful and quite humble as a couple. All qualities I can appreciate and respect. He has been battling cancer for a few years and doing well in his fight. On the day of our meeting, it was evident the treatments had taken a turn for the worse. I was greeted at the door by his wife and told to “prepare” myself for seeing the husband. She said they did not want to miss our meeting. We talked about the cancer, and what could be happening in the near future. I was amazed by how well they were coping with a very challenging situation. I was further amazed by their sincere effort to ask me about what was happening in my life and business.  Cancer versus my day seemed a little nuts?  Sadly, he passed away a few days later, and as I reflected on his passing, it became very clear to me a “This is Life” theme would become a part of our future monthly newsletters. 

We will all be faced with ups and downs, challenges and opportunities, as we move forward in our lives. Our attitude will have an enormous impact on what we enjoy, endure and learn provided we take a moment to reflect. I thought these meetings were simply “client reviews”, but I came away from the day with an appreciation for my job, and the gifts I receive from the work I do. We are very fortunate at Guardian Financial Partners to have a thriving business, but the real gift is the lessons we learn, and the perspective we receive from our clients and the lives they lead. 

Hung, Casey and I are very thankful to be part of your lives. As much as we place your needs and dreams as the focus of what we do, we are also grateful for the experiences you share with us in your journey. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Pat Guinet, CIMA®
Founding Partner